Ever get sick of a food?
I used to eat a lot of pasta and then after I got married, I didn't eat it
very often. Yes, I married an Italian but apparently pasta was served quite
often in his house and for the most part he just didn't like it. He does
like a shrimp dish that contains a ton of garlic. His mom always made it
for Christmas dinner. I don't have her actual recipe but I know what she
put in it. It appears to be some form of shrimp scampi, perhaps with her
own twist. He would like it better the second day after the garlic had
invaded it all and he would eat it cold.
Last year it got to the point where my daughter and I were eating pasta at
least once a week. Partly because she loves it and partly because once a
week prior to dance we had to eat a quick meal and this served the purpose.
I do think I liked pasta more when I could eat the stuff made from wheat.
But since we realized her wheat allergy, I mostly get the rice pasta which
is really bland. I guess I just don't like it very much. And I got burned
out on it to the point where I couldn't bring myself to eat it. I just
didn't serve pasta unless she specifically asked for it. And I let my
usually somewhat large stock of pasta run down to not much. But then I
found some corn spaghetti on clearance at one of the grocery stores.
Tonight my daughter wanted spaghetti. So I made the corn spaghetti. And it
was really good! I guess laying off the pasta for so long finally brought
my taste buds back. Either that or it was the corn pasta. Old Spaghetti
Factory used to serve corn pasta for their GF pasta but now they serve rice.