French Toast on the George Foreman Grill
On Thu, 21 Jul 2011 21:23:31 -0600, "gloria.p" >
>On 7/21/2011 7:22 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> Stupid, I learned, it using your wife's iron to wax your cross country
>> skis. Been there, done that, got the scolding. Now she has a new iron
>> and I have an iron I can use for waxing skis.
>That's why they sell irons in thrift shops, for waxing and P-texing skis
>and snowboards. Gotta be careful you don't melt the surface, however.
>When he was in high school my son and his friends could often be found
>in our basement Friday afternoons, waxing their boards.
ROFLMAO! Did they have skin flicks running too?