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Don Martinich Don Martinich is offline
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Posts: 378
Default How to simmer hot dogs, etc.?

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spamtrap1888 > wrote:

> Trying to feed myself while my wife is at her mother's, I noticed a
> promotional display of hot doggy-type sausages at the local
> supermarket. Eschewing the bratwurst and the "polish," I picked up a
> four-pack of what I used to call knackwurst.
> The only directions on the package are "Fully cooked." So I thought I
> would simmer one on top of the stove for lunch, and proceeded to tidy
> up the kitchen a bit.
> When I turned back to the stove, the sausage had a serious split in
> its side, and presumably much of the seasoned goodness had leached out
> into the simmering water.
> How long can I simmer a hot-doggy-type sausage, and if simmering is
> tricky, what is the best way to heat them up?

Place in pot, cover with cold water, heat until almost but not yet
boiling. Turn off heat. Serve. (I am assuming it's skinless. If it has a
skin, you might poke a few tiny holes in it although I've never had a
skin split if it doesn't boil.)
