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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default A tip for wait staff

On 24/07/2011 4:26 PM, Kalmia wrote:
> On Jul 24, 2:09 pm, (Sharon C) wrote:
>> It irritates me also when the wait staff asks if I want my change. I
>> think it's poor manners on their part.

> A waitress once failed to return some change. Fifteen minutes later,
> she approached the table - "Oh, I assumed it was a tip". She got the
> message never to assume, even if a thin dime. Don't these people get
> some training before lettin' em loose?

The thing of it is that a lot of them are just plain dishonest. My son
goes through a lot of wait staff and the biggest single problem is
theft. They find ways to steal from the the restaurant and from the

We had a local place where I used to go fro Saturday afternoon blues
jams and one waitress was prone to short changing. She was so reliably
dishonest that one day when friends of mine joined us there I warned
them to check their change. Not only did she shortchange my friend, but
she also foisted a lower grade drink on her. My friend, who is also a
waitress, had ordered and paid for a premium cognac and got a cheaper
bar grade.