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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default A tip for wait staff

Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Jul 2011 10:05:55 -0400, "Ed Pawlowski"
> > wrote:
>> "Brooklyn1" <Gravesend1> wrote
>>>>> I reached in my pocked and had some twentys, two singles and a
>>>>> five. I put
>>>>> a twenty and a five in the check folder. The waitress asked
>>>>> "do you need change?" and I replied "yes" She took the money and
>>>>> came back a little later with a few coins, a single and the $5
>>>>> bill
>>> The server was 100% correct, you didn't tell her to change the five
>>> and she's not a mind reader, and she was very polite in not being so
>>> presumptuous to anticipate her tip... she did EXACTLY as instructed,
>>> she brought back ALL the change.

>>>> The twenty covered the check. If she was so dumb that she didn't
>>>> realize the
>>>> five was there to be broken, she was probably also to dumb to
>>>> figure out that she was undertipped.
>>> The waitress wasn't the dumb one. In the above situation the
>>> twenty covered the tab... the waitress would have been perfectly
>>> correct to bring back no change whatsoever and keep the six bucks
>>> plus as her tip

>> She asked, "do you need change?"
>> I replied, "yes"

> And she brought you your change.
>>> -- adding the five indicated that the five and the change from the
>>> twenty was her tip [end of story].

>> The story doesn't even compute,
>> You missed the part of the story where she asked if I needed change.
>> Most people would have though I'd want the 5 broken.

> Not true... it was entirely on you to bring the five to her attention
> and ask her to bring you five singles (or four singles and coins).
> Actually most servers would have seen the extra five, considered it
> their tip, and brought back only the change from the twenty. You got
> lucky, she was probably new.
>>> because the server would not have looked inside the folder in front
>>> of the patron so would never have asked about bringing back
>>> change... that's the entire purpose of those folders, so that no
>>> business is transacted at the table... the story is a fairy tale.
>>> In a fricken sammiche joint if I didn't have the correct bills for
>>> the tip I'd have changed the five at the cashier and walked back
>>> with the tip... I would never ask a server to do my bank teller
>>> work, especially over a nickle and dime kinda tip, that's just
>>> tacky, and dumb.

>> The check states "Please Pay the Server"

> And you did. But the server brings the remittance to a cashier...
> Friendly's has lots of servers, they don't have access to the till.
> You got very lucky that she brought back your fiver, she could have
> said "What fiver" and you'd have no recourse other than never return.
> Odds are she never showed the fiver to the cashier, was already in her
> pocket, but last second she felt guilt, or took another look at you
> and figured you'd create a scene (or more likely thought you needed it
> more than she) so she returned your fiver.
> Next time if you need change of a five ask for change of a five right
> up front... were servers able to read minds they most certainly
> wouldn't be waiting table... they'd be politicians. LOL
> Now go fill your billfold with small bills, I always have like twenty
> singles and a half dozen fivers in my wallet. And all my bills are
> signed in fountain pen, just in case of disputes... they rarely occur
> but they eventually do.
> Just now looked, this is typical, I usually have a few tens too. I
> also keep some 50s and 100s in another place... I've been carrying a
> "man bag" all my adult life... most men leave home with nothing but
> belly button lint, it's no wonder they can't pay for a sandwhich:

In this case I would have said something like, "Yes. Please bring me back
$2.00" or whatever amount I wanted back.