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itsjoannotjoann itsjoannotjoann is offline
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Default A tip for wait staff

On Jul 24, 4:04*pm, Dave Smith > wrote:
> The thing of it is that a lot of them are just plain dishonest. My son
> goes through a lot of wait staff and the biggest single problem is
> theft. *They find ways to steal from the the restaurant and from the
> customers.
> We had a local place where I used to go fro Saturday afternoon blues
> jams and one waitress was prone to short changing. She was so reliably
> dishonest that one day when friends of mine joined us there I warned
> them to check their change. *Not only did she shortchange my friend, but
> she also foisted a lower grade drink on her. My friend, who is also a
> waitress, *had ordered and paid for a premium cognac and got a cheaper
> bar grade.

And?? She didn't tell her she didn't appreciate what she had done??
She didn't speak to the manager?? Details, details!