Holey Moley Prices; was "California Cuisine"
On Mon, 25 Jul 2011 08:16:06 +0200, "Giusi" >
>"Steve Pope" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> Bob Terwilliger > wrote:
>>>What about a place like The French Laundry, where the tip is not added to
>>>the bill but is part of the price of the dinner?
>> How exactly does that work?
>The same way it works in Italy, although you can't make Americans believe
Of course Americans believe it, and they know that's why the service
in Italy is atrocious, there is no incentive to behave civilized. The
only ones who complain about tipping are the cheapo *******s who
expect free service because they were raised spoiled with their
parents kissing their asses. Italian culture is one of the most
uncivilized on the planet... more pick pockets, petty thieves, whores,
and child molesters per capita than anywhere else. When the tip is
calculated into the menu price that just fills the proprietor's
coffers above and beyond that of their already outrageous prices...
the servers don't see a full measure of that revenue, plus they lose
their dignity by having their incentive to work to full capacity taken
away. Withot tipping servers are relegated to performing at that of
the lowest common denominator. Service in the US is better than
anywhere else... only the cheapo *******s would argue differently
because poor service is what the stingy experience. Experienced
service personel are expert in immediately sizing up what kind of
treatment and tip to expect from the patrons they encounter... abusive
degrading loudmouths demand the most and tip the least. There's good
reason why finer eateries employ a maître de, their primary purpose is
to separate the wheat from the chaff and to signal the staff. Tips
are a blessing, To Insure Proper Service.