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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default Shit On A Shingle

Bryan wrote:
> Why would anyone feel nostalgic about crappy food they had to eat in a
> war zone?

High emotional intensity tends to plant memories more firmly. What I
remember from Navy boot camp or the freshman dorms has to pale in
comparison to being out in combat hearing the gun shots then coming in
from the field to your own native cuisine no matter how crappy.

It's like comfort food being what we had as kids no matter how good or
bad, but with extra intensity traded for extra duration.

Boot camp food - Sausage gravy over eggs. I don't recall having gravy
with breakfast in the northeast where I grew up so it was a new
experience for me. Did they do a good job of sausage gravy? Not
usually but it did vary week to week. Nostalgic? Yes. Then again the
first time I ever tasted a lobster was at boot camp.

Freshman dorms - "hockey pucks". Lousy burgers covered with crappy
gravy beside mashed spuds and canned veggies. Good? No. Nostalgic?

Years later I still like better quality versions of these dishes.