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Bryan[_6_] Bryan[_6_] is offline
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Default Shit On A Shingle

On Jul 25, 11:25*am, Dan Abel > wrote:
> In article >,
> *notbob > wrote:
> > On 2011-07-25, Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:

> > >
> > > 0.pdf

> > It don't get any more basic than that.

> Bryan will like this one. *1.5 pounds of margarine!

That's probably an old document from before anyone recognized the
unhealthiness of margarine. Because of the chipped beef and powdered
milk, one should expect the stuff to taste like "shit" anyway. My
boss used to work on the barges on the Mississippi River, and even
went at least once on a merchant ship that went through the Straits of
Magellan. It was absurdly hard physical work, but he said that the
food was great. If you wanted a big ol' porterhouse, that's what you
got. The food and the pay were great. Everything else was awful.
I knew another guy who worked the barges straight out of high school.
He'd be away for months, then come back to live at his parents' house
for a few weeks. When he was home he'd have the best weed, but
otherwise lived very modestly. After a few years, he bought a nice
house and car with cash, and got some kind of regular job, but owned a
house and some kind of muscle car (maybe a GTO) outright, with no
payments. He said from the start that he was going to do exactly
that. Back in the 1970s, barge workers had horrible working
conditions, but there was no Shit on a Shingle. You might lose a
digit, a limb or even your life, but you ate like a rich man.
> --
> Dan Abel
