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Default what's fermenting?

> > > I was just wondering what wine(s) everyone was working on right now?

2003 was a very rainy year in Maryland so a lot of our fruit was ruined. For
example, our cherry tree had a great crop starting in the spring, but as
soon as they ripened they were covered with mold. I tried spraying but it
rained so often that I think it just washed off the spray. I usually get
100# of grapes each year and this year the take was only 22#.

However, this was the first year that we harvested honey from our hive and
the elderberries did well, so I have a few small batches going.

a. 5 gallons of elderberry melomel
b. 3 gallons of Lancaster mead, flavored with the petals of red roses (I
made York mead with white roses last year)
c. 3 gallons of pyment (grape/honey wine/mead)
d. 3 gallons of plum melomel

I usually make 6-8 different batches of wine/mead each year and generally in
5-gallon batches. I hope the quality of what I'm making is such that it
makes up for the lack of gallonage and variety this year.
