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pure kona[_2_] pure kona[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 317
Default Okay Sky-all about Avocados, esp. from Hawaii

> Heck, I didn't even know there were other avocado varieties
>other than Haas & Calvado. Sky

I had to ask a friend (Ken Love) who knows everything about Hawaiian
fruit and here is what he said about Calvo (The California PAC that
keeps Hawaii's avocados from going anywhere!): "They do to the active
marketing in Calif. where they spend over $1.4 million per year to
market Hass from Calif. Mexico and Chile -- According to the Mexican
D of Ag, Calif growers own 68% of the Mex fields and some 42% of the
Chilean fields. (This is what I was told 3 years ago)
Calvo is only the marketing company not a type of avocado. -- There
are 1411 types that were listed in a data base at UC Riverside, in CA.
We have over 200 named types in Kona alone with hundreds of other
seedlings and types on other islands."
Here is an easy place to see lots of different Hawaiian avocados

And here is Ken Love's fabulous poster of Hawaii's avocados! WARNING!
It is 39 inches by 27, so it is hard to see on a computer, but it is
beautiful- so if you want one to decorate your kitchen wall by placing
it in a frame: get one here
I am sure Ken would be happy to send you one for a small sum. The guy
works extremely hard to promote Hawaii's abundant fruit. He's an

FYI, now we have Sharwil avocados dropping from our tree, and in the
winter, we have super-delicious Kahaluu Avocados.

Okay, there you go. We live in avocado heaven.
