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Sky Sky is offline
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Default Okay Sky-all about Avocados, esp. from Hawaii

On 8/2/2011 7:09 PM, pure kona wrote:
>> Heck, I didn't even know there were other avocado varieties
>> other than Haas& Calvado. Sky

> I had to ask a friend (Ken Love) who knows everything about Hawaiian
> fruit and here is what he said about Calvo (The California PAC that
> keeps Hawaii's avocados from going anywhere!): "They do to the active
> marketing in Calif. where they spend over $1.4 million per year to
> market Hass from Calif. Mexico and Chile -- According to the Mexican
> D of Ag, Calif growers own 68% of the Mex fields and some 42% of the
> Chilean fields. (This is what I was told 3 years ago)
> Calvo is only the marketing company not a type of avocado. -- There
> are 1411 types that were listed in a data base at UC Riverside, in CA.
> We have over 200 named types in Kona alone with hundreds of other
> seedlings and types on other islands."
> *********
> Here is an easy place to see lots of different Hawaiian avocados
> And here is Ken Love's fabulous poster of Hawaii's avocados! WARNING!
> It is 39 inches by 27, so it is hard to see on a computer, but it is
> beautiful- so if you want one to decorate your kitchen wall by placing
> it in a frame: get one here
> I am sure Ken would be happy to send you one for a small sum. The guy
> works extremely hard to promote Hawaii's abundant fruit. He's an
> angel.
> FYI, now we have Sharwil avocados dropping from our tree, and in the
> winter, we have super-delicious Kahaluu Avocados.
> Okay, there you go. We live in avocado heaven.

Thanks for the information about avocados and the links. I never knew
there were so many different varieties! That poster is really kewl,
too! Too bad they don't grow in the upper midwest ;/ That is, unless
there's a handy greenhouse to survive the winter!



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