Using Outlook Express now! Hell with GoogleGroups!
"George" > wrote in message
> On 8/3/2011 10:45 PM, John Kuthe wrote:
>> > wrote in message
>> ...
>>>> John wrote:
>>>>> Got an Eternal-September account now. Tried looking up free Usenet
>>>>> News
>>>>> Readers, and they all suck! So let;'s see how this flies!
>>> Uses Firefox but ignores Thunderbird.
>>> -13 points for JK.
>>> -sw
>> I actually DLed Thunderbird and tried to set it up as my news reader, but
>> could not find in it where to put my news server UserID and password! So
>> I
>> bailed it.
>> John Kuthe...
> It is pretty straighforward, when you launch it the first time it starts a
> wizard, pick news and feed it the info. Or "account settings" "account
> actions" "add a new account"
I did that, and dinked around with TBird for a while, but could never find
where to put my news server UserID and password in. Lots of email specific
crap, but no news server crap. And when setting Tbird up as a news client, I
don't put in my email info and that's what it was asking for. No news server
stuff at all. OE had a place for me to put my news server in, and then a box
asking if my news server required a UserID and password, which I checked and
then it prompted me for my news server UserID and password. And it worked!
I don't dink around with software which doers not set up and work in a
straightforward manner.
John Kuthe...