Excess wine after racking
"Kim" > wrote:
> I'm hoping someone can educate me. I racked my pear wine into a
> gallon jug after initial fermentation. I have a half 750 ml bottle
> excess that I'd like to use to top off after the 2nd racking.
> However, I do not have a stopper/airlock to fit a 750 ml bottle. Can
> I just use layers of cheese cloth secured with a rubber band or are
> there any other good options? Thanks in advance for any help...Kim
The best option is a double-sheet of plastic cling wrap (e.g. saran wrap),
held in place by TWO rubber bands. Two sheets of cling wrap, because
sometimes it can tear, and two rubber bands, because sometimes they break.
Cheese cloth will let too much air in, and bacteria can grow within it's
fibers over a period of time.