Coconut JUICE is NOT coconut MILK!!
On 8/4/2011 5:02 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Thu, 04 Aug 2011 16:47:31 -0400, Nancy Young wrote:
>> It's all the rage these days. I bought a container last time I
>> was at Whole Foods to see what the fuss is about. Maybe it's
>> the brand I picked up, blech.
> It's musty, old tasting, IMO.
That's a very good description. I took a couple extra glugs to
see if it got any better, but despite being cold from the
refrigerator, it was stale and unrefreshing. I'm just glad I
didn't spring for a whole 8 pack or whatever they're sold as.
> It the water from inside the coconut. Many Mexican fruit stands will
> chop a hole in the coconut and stick a straw in it so you can drink
> the water/juice.
I'll take a pass next time I'm in Mexico. Heh.