Excess wine after racking
"JEP" > wrote:
> Maybe I'm the only one that picked up on this but Kim said "I have a
> HALF (my capitalization) 750 ml bottle excess that I'd like to use to
> top off after the 2nd racking."
> I wouldn't store 375 ml of wine in a 750 ml bottle. There will be way
> too much air in contact with the wine. What I do is use 2 liter, 1
> liter and .5 liter plastic soda bottles. Put the excess wine in an
> appropriate sized bottle, squeeze the bottle until there is no head
> space, then cap it.
> Even if the plastic allows some O2 to go through, it still won't be as
> much as a wine bottle only half full.
Someone else did comment on this.
Some salad dressings, hot sauces, and vinegars come in very nice 375 ml
(12.7 oz) bottles, and empty 12-ounce beer bottles are close to this size as
well (you can drink the extra .7 ounce, or use it to season your eggs). Be
sure to wash the bottles out thoroughly, removing any odour of vinegar
before using them. Never leave more than about 1" of headspace in a
narrow-mouth bottle, and avoid wide-mouth containers (there is too much
surface area exposed, as well as more air in the top).