On 7/29/2011 12:18 PM, W. Baker wrote:
> : sorry to hear you have given up your license, that has to be very hard
> : to do!
> : kate
> It's not bd in NYC where a car is an expensive nusience, but when I am up
> in Margaretville it is a toweing nusience. I have to keep finding peoel
> to hire to drive me or beg peole going close to my house to be wiling to
> stop and pick me up. I tend to not get more than walking distance from my
> house most days. that is why I am splitting my time this summer between
> the City and Margaretville. More htan a week alone gets to be a bit much.
> Wendy
oh, Wendy, i'm sorry to hear this. It would be nice if you knew someone
who would enjoy going to Margaretville with you, who may have a vehicle too!
Mom sold her house and moved to an apartment that is in easy walking
distance to medical, groceries, mall shopping and such. Her knees are
pretty bad, so she can't walk too far. We feel much better knowing that
she is in a less isolated location (her house was in a lovely community
but the nearest facilities for anything was 8 miles away..... unless the
local pub and convenience store count
