KFC Coleslaw
"Storrmmee" > wrote in message
> having never driven, the one tip i can give you is to put back the
> money you would have spent on having the car gas. tags, upkeep,
> parking... if you figure out what this was for a month and put into
> the envelope you will find hiring won't be quite as harsh on your
> heart, Lee
Good idea Lee.
> "Ozgirl" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "W. Baker" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Tiger Lily > wrote:
>>> : On 7/29/2011 10:30 AM, W. Baker wrote:
>>> : > Tiger > wrote:
>>> : > : Great to hear he passed his learners!
>>> : >
>>> : > : Teenlet has his learners too.......... he was just a baby the
>>> other week!
>>> : >
>>> : > : kate
>>> : >
>>> : > Scary, isn't it? Wait until you get in the car and have him
>>> drive you:-)
>>> : >
>>> : > Happy and Safe driving
>>> : >
>>> : > Wendy-now without a lisence for the first time in close to 60
>>> years:-(
>>> : >
>>> : >
>>> : well, he has been driving me around, Wendy........ but in very
>>> quiet
>>> : areas, where he will be safe to learn the vehicle, get a feel for
>>> it and
>>> : how to turn corners and such
>>> : oddly enough, i discovered my rad fan had failed, only because we
>>> had
>>> : been driving very slowly for a long time, pulled over to change
>>> places,
>>> : and heard this odd noise...... the water in the system was boiling
>>> in
>>> : the overflow tank! yikes!
>>> : sorry to hear you have given up your license, that has to be very
>>> hard
>>> : to do!
>>> : kate
>>> It's not bd in NYC where a car is an expensive nusience, but when I
>>> am up
>>> in Margaretville it is a toweing nusience. I have to keep finding
>>> peoel
>>> to hire to drive me or beg peole going close to my house to be
>>> wiling to
>>> stop and pick me up. I tend to not get more than walking distance
>>> from my
>>> house most days. that is why I am splitting my time this summer
>>> between
>>> the City and Margaretville. More htan a week alone gets to be a bit
>>> much.
>>> Wendy
>> We often don't realise how much we depend on our cars/licences. A
>> new set of circumstances to get used to ;(