KFC Coleslaw
Storrmmee > wrote:
: having never driven, the one tip i can give you is to put back the money you
: would have spent on having the car gas. tags, upkeep, parking... if you
: figure out what this was for a month and put into the envelope you will find
: hiring won't be quite as harsh on your heart, Lee
I realize that and the bus trips from NYC as well as the hiring is not
breaking me compared to total car costs. It is the hand-operated way of
having to do things. No spur oof the moment trips or getting into town
when you find you need something. Everything has to be planned and can
necessitate several phone calls until you get someone who can help you,
often not at the exact time you want. Of course, you have that all the
time, I imagine. One learns to live with what is on hand, but sometimes
it can get kind of not pleasant. I had been eatign fish most of the week,
but wanted a meat meal for Friday night for the Sabbath. All I had was
frankfurters, so that was my dinner, along with baked yellow squash, some
avocado , tomato and olive salad(my invention-no recipe) and a low carb
pumpernickel wrap cut in half to wrap the frianks. Not very festive.
tonight, the same meal. tomorrow i wiill have an eggplant and will se if
I have some jarred pasta sauce around, if not I have tomatoes so wil
improvise with some onions, olives-you get the idea. I will leave Tuesday
for a 4 1/2hr bus ride to NYC(Toonerville trolley that stops at every
small town). and wil, probbaly take a PB&J(home meade bluberry sugarlees)
as I have nothing else exxcept soem tuna which wets up the low carb wrap
too much and, of course, no mayo in the house. You do it, but it takes
abit of scramling.
: "Ozgirl" > wrote in message
: >> : >
: >> : > Wendy-now without a lisence for the first time in close to 60
: >> years:-(
: >> : >
: >> : >
: >>
: >> : well, he has been driving me around, Wendy........ but in very quiet
: >>
: >> : sorry to hear you have given up your license, that has to be very hard
: >> : to do!
: >>
: >> : kate
: >>
: >> It's not bd in NYC where a car is an expensive nusience, but when I am up
: >> in Margaretville it is a toweing nusience. I have to keep finding peoel
: >> to hire to drive me or beg peole going close to my house to be wiling to
: >> stop and pick me up. I tend to not get more than walking distance from
: >> my
: >> house most days. that is why I am splitting my time this summer between
: >> the City and Margaretville. More htan a week alone gets to be a bit
: >> much.
: >>
: >> Wendy
: >
: > We often don't realise how much we depend on our cars/licences. A new set
: > of circumstances to get used to ;(