On 7/28/2011 1:14 PM, Dickr wrote:
> On 7/28/2011 1:04 AM, cwdjrxyz wrote:
>> On Jul 27, 12:35 pm, > wrote:
>>> Question for the day:
>>> If you had way too much money and you could afford to
>>> purchase this bottle,
>>> Would you carefully place it in your cellar?
>>> Pull the cork and drink it?
> <interesting information snipped>
>> I would store it in my cellar for at least a few years. If I won a
>> huge lottery amount, I would buy two bottles, drink one bottle in a
>> year or so, and then keep the other bottle as an investment.
> I would hesitate in purchasing anything breakable as an investment.
> Accidentally drop it on the floor and it's gone.
You could insure it like that catastrophic NZ wine shipment.
James Silverton, Potomac
I'm *not*