When we cook food, table salt would be a necessary condiment. Actually, it's not good to take much salt into bodies. Table salt is rich in sodium chloride (7647-14-5). Sodium, accounting for about 40% of salt, tends to cause sclerotin running off. It makes women's bone essence run off one percent each year and faster for those who have high blood pressure.
Besides, some skin and hair problems would occur to salt lover. First, too much salt intake may cause freckles on cheeks. To keep fair skin, you'd better drink much water which detox skin and take salt under 6 grams per day. Second, excessive salt can cause water metabolism disorder, so some moisture may retain in bodies and swollen faces would occur. When it happens, choose low-salt and diet and something that helps draining off moisture. Last, it is likely to cause coarse and wrinkled skin. The increase of
sodium chloride (7647-14-5) would cause moisture loss of facial cells, which wrinkle skin gradually.