In article >,
"cshenk" > wrote:
> Oh, a book to recommend. I have used some of the recipes and found
> this fit my style better (new canner like you, I play with it from time
> to time). 'The complete book of Small-Batch Preserving' by Ellie Topp
> and Margaret Howard
> I got mine off for something like 7$ last year. It has over
> 300 recipes. Not all are canning types, some are fridged or frozen but
> enough are true canning to be of definate interest.
> My problem with the Ball Blue Book was it made so much, I was always
> waiting to use up the last batch before I could try something new.
> This book, most of the recipes yield 2 cups or less and are perfect for
> use with 1/2 pint wide-mouth canning jars.
If you make jam, Carolyn, check Ball's new pectin - in a plastic jar.
You can make from 1-10 jars. Look for their pectin calculator on FWIW.
Barb, July 27, 2011. Read it and weep.