European restaurant and wine suggestions
On 8/14/11 1:16 AM, Michael Pronay wrote:
> Mark Lipton wrote:
>> If Michael Pronay, the Austrian wine critic, happens to read
>> this, I'm sure that he can provide far more extensive and
>> accurate recommendations than I.
> Thank you Mark, Hi Donald!
> Mark is right that Stei_r_ereck ist still one of the best (most
> probably the best) eatery in town. Take a look (website in
> english):
> <>
> The sommelier there is Adolf ("Adi") Schmid, I have known him for
> over a quarter of a century, he is one of the greatest experts in
> Austrian wines I know.
> There is a rather new, less high-end restaurant in Prater, Vienna's
> most famous amusement park. It's called "Stadtgasthaus Eisvogel",
> it's situated right next to the Riesenrad, the well-known giant
> Ferris wheel. It's run by Herbert Schmid, the brother of Adi
> Schmid. Herbert used to work at Steirereck, the wine list quite
> reflects this, and the eating is more classic Vienna style. Take a
> look:
> <>
> As to which other restaurants are worthwile at the moment, please
> to not hesitate to contact Florian Holzer on Facebook, he's quite
> active over there, he has been the editor and author of "Wien wie
> es isst" ("Vienna as she eats"), the most respected Vienna Food
> Guide, for decades.
> All the best, and If I remember something else, I well let you know
> here.
> M.
Thank you, Mark and Michael for all the information. I have copied your
information to my PDA, so I will have it with me when we go.
I will also check out the web sites you mentioned, Michael.
Because I have lurked on this newsgroup for years (though almost never
posted) I am familiar with both your names. I use as my
primary wine reference for wines to try. Also, Michael, you may not
remember, but years ago you gave me some advice about how long I could
expect to enjoy some 2001 Brundlmayer Ried Lamm GV after I acquired a
case. It won't last the 20 years you mentioned because it will have been
drunk before then. But we have been drinking a bottle every year or so,
and it is still a lovely wine.
Thank you both again.
Don Eagle