weiner war in chicago!
Doug Freyburger wrote:
> blake murphy wrote:
> >
> > CHICAGO - Whether hot dogs should be served with ketchup has become an
> > issue at a federal trial in Chicago involving the nation's largest hot dog
> > makers.
> Fun publicity otherwise meaningless.
> Is a hot dog better with ketchup or mustard? Depends on how you had
> them when you were a kid. Simple as that. Varies by region and by
> family. My way is the right way for me. Your way is the right way for
> you. Done.
What you grew up with may give fond memories, but as you explored the
culinary world you may well have found you preferred your hot dogs
prepared / topped differently.
> Of course we're talking hot dogs here. They are one of the sausages
> with the least amount of flavor. Let's go with a kielbasa or italian
> sausage at least, folks! Use a sausage with enough flavor on its own
> and who cares if it has condiments on them.
Certainly other sausages are more flavorful than most hot dogs, but I
think there is a clear distinction between a quality all beef natural
casing hot dog and the caseless mystery meat paste mass market hot dogs.