Stirring on the fine lees question
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Stirring on the fine lees question
Thank you Tom and Ben for the information.
On 31 Oct 2003 06:28:08 -0800,
(Ben Rotter)
>> > If you wish to stir on the fine lees to in encourage autolysis and
>> > give the wine complexity can this be done after you have added
>> > potassium metabisulphite and what would be a suitable regime when
>> > doing the stirring?
>Yes that's fine. Scroll down to "Stirring Schedules" at
>for some common regimes.
>> I stir the wine on it's _gross_ lees, but aside from that there's no
>> difference.
>Using that terminology can be confusing given that you do some serious
>juice settling resulting in essentially "fine lees" (by definition) in
>what would normally be regarded as "gross" or (perhaps better put as)
>"bulk" lees. (This confusion arose earlier in the recent "Forgot to
>Cold Settle - Advice?" thread.)
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