On 08/18/2011 08:49 AM, pavane wrote:
> "Serene > wrote in message ...
> | On 08/17/2011 03:13 PM, Jerry Avins wrote:
> |> I have a baked macaroni in the oven made with Balkan sheep kashkaval.
> |> (cacciocavallo in Italian). I like it. Does anyone care to comment on
> |> the flavor.
> |
> | I don't care for it. It tastes sort of musty to me, and not in a good
> | way. (I've never bought it, but they had free samples of it at the
> | Berkeley Bowl once.)
> Sounds as if you had an off sample.
Maybe, but there are enough cheeses I love, that it's not really a goal
for me to make sure I try the ones I dislike more than once.