The flavor enhancement you are referring to is ACTUALLY notably known as
"MALLARD Reaction" - the duck finds the flavor, enhances it meticulously,
and refurbishes it (relatively/loosely related to the "NEC/Blengine
- Sams Wholesale
On Thu, 18 Aug 2011 18:55:28 +0200, Brick >
> On 18-Aug-2011, "Bob-tx" <No Spam no contact> wrote:
>> We like the sausage links, the ones about as big around as a shovel
>> handle,
>> and in the shape of the letter C. They come in various flavors, and
>> make
>> good snacks.
>> They are precooked, but I put them on the gas grill for a bit - until
>> they
>> get good grill marks and puff up a little. I don't really know why
>> grilling
>> them a little seems to really enhance their flavor, but it does.
>> Any idea?
>> Bob-tx
> That flavor enhancement that you're trying to put a name to is called
> the "Maillard Reaction". Technically it is the carmellization of natural
> sugars in the surface of the meat which alters the taste. To some
> extent, this is evident with any foodstuff which contains natural sugar.
> I routinely brown the ingredients that I use to make vegetable and
> meat stocks because I like the flavor enhancement achieved by doing
> so.
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