Grilling sausage
On Aug 18, 9:55*am, "Brick" > wrote:
> On 18-Aug-2011, "Bob-tx" <No Spam no contact> wrote:
> > We like the sausage links, the ones about as big around as a shovel
> > handle,
> > and in the shape of the letter C. *They come in various flavors, and make
> > good snacks.
> > They are precooked, but I put them on the gas grill for a bit - until they
> > get good grill marks and puff up a little. *I don't really know why
> > grilling
> > them a little seems to really enhance their flavor, but it does.
> > Any idea?
> > Bob-tx
> That flavor enhancement that you're trying to put a name to is called
> <SNIP scientific mumbo jumbo> grill magic.