Thread: Kashkaval
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merryb merryb is offline
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Default Kashkaval

On Aug 18, 10:00*am, ViLco > wrote:
> Il 18/08/2011 00:13, Jerry Avins ha scritto:
> > I have a baked macaroni in the oven made with Balkan sheep kashkaval.
> > (cacciocavallo in Italian). I like it. Does anyone care to comment on
> > the flavor.

> I never tried caciocavallo di pecora, I always had it made from cow
> milk, podolica when I found it: caciocavallo podolico is one of the most
> renewned caciocavallo cheeses and can be aged very long, one year is
> normal for that little wonder. It's a "pasta filata" ("spun paste")
> cheese, which puts it in the family of mozzarella, treccia, scamorza...
> This method consists in cutting the curd ("cagliata") as usual, but then
> it gets put in hot whey for some hours, then the cheesemakers take
> chunks of it and pull them thus creating many long round-section
> stripes. Then they wrap some of these stripes alltogether and man them
> in order to amalgamete them and obtain the final shape of the cheese.
> This is the reason one always finds a kind-of-fibrous matrix in these
> cheeses.
> I'd really like to taste some sheep caciocavallo, I'll keep an eye open
> for that
> --
> * *Vilco
> And the Family Stone
> baconnaise, because ALL must taste like bacon

I recently tried caciocavallo when we were in Italy a few weeks ago-
we went for a cousin's wedding. An incredible trip, but that's another
story I don't know if it was sheep or cow based, but it was tasty! I
can't say I ate much that wasn't delicious the entire trip. I love