Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> "Steve Freides" > wrote:
>>> Cheese board with a wire slicer. Here is mine:
>>> Demo. thin slicing cheese:
>>> Hope that helps!
>> Someone else on this thread suggested the same thing, Om, a few days
>> ago. Yesterday, we went to Chef Central and bought one. It has a
>> marble base - ooo! - and cost a whopping $9.99. We haven't had a
>> chance to try it yet, though - have to wait for a pile of 14 year
>> olds wanting a pile of my cheese toast for that, a likely occurrence
>> during the next week, I'm sure.
> Hope it works for you!
> A mandoline would likely get gummed up. This won't. I just wipe the
> wire when I am done with it and if any cheese builds up on the slot, I
> just gently scrape it out with a sharp knife, then take a scrub brush
> to it.
> Cheers!
My wife used it this morning - said it was the greatest thing since
sliced bread. I'm looking forward to trying it.