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Default Lactose Intolerant?

Anthony wrote:

> My bro in law and his wife are coming to stay for a week and she has just
> been diagnosed as lactose intolerant. Any tips on what to feed/ not feed
> them? In particular, any good dessert recipes? Most of mine depend heavily
> on butter and cream. TIA.

Butter usually isn't a problem for me as it is used in most recipes in
such small quantities. As long as dinner isn't swimming in a cheese
sauce I'm ok.

A nice dessert is angel food cake with berries (fresh or cooked) over
the top. Ice cream or whipped cream for those who can handle it.
Cool-whip is a possibility if she likes that. Likewise fruit pies.

I find most of the dairy substitutes are just nasty, though I've gotten
used to the lactose milk. I only use it in tea and coffee anyway.

The lactose tablets do nothing for me, though I've known people who
swear by them. I have good success with the droplets that you add to
soft dairy like sour cream at least 24 hours before you eat them.
