Thread: Blending
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Charles H
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Default Blending

glad heart wrote:

> At what stage in the winemaking process is the right time to blend?
> I've read inconsistent info. Intuitively, I think blending before
> clarification makes sense. I.E. why not fine _after_ you get the
> tastes right via blending instead of mixing two crystal clear wines
> that might not be so clear after blending (depending on their
> chemistry).

Good question... myself I would blend wines after they were completely
finished (fined, filtered, whatever), simply because I think that after
they were finished I would have a better sense of what to aim for in the
final blend wihtout having to account for the changes that would occur
after fining the blended wine. However, I haven't done much blending
before, so I don't have much experience to think on, and they were reds
anyway, so fining wasn't needed on them.


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