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KROM KROM is offline
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Posts: 364
Default Where is the Egg Talk?

I only am eliminating the yolks now cause I'm cutting fat for my 41irst
birthday...going to take pics for my own interest from now on on every
birthday to watch the changes as I age..its weird I know but

so from now till october its egg whites and veggies..isnt too not a
picky eater I can eat the same thing everyday for a month its fun
to see the results as I go along..


"W. Baker" wrote in message ...

KROM > wrote:
: I have been on a omelet kick lately using five whites and one yolk..

: I fill it with veggies or beans or left overs from get
: sick of many ways to enjoy them


Tith my LDLs at 74 I don't worry about the yolks.


: "W. Baker" wrote in message ...

: Well, I couldn't find the discussion we were having on soft boiled eggs
: and egg cups, but I want to report that it so inspired me that I dug out
: my cute rooster egg cup(2 sided kind) and haad 2 soft/medium boiled eggs
: for breakfast. Oh, was that good! I will keep the egg cup out with my
: other everyday use dishes so it doesn's creep back to th eback of the
: cabinet again. I don't know why the eggs taste better in there, but the
: do!

: Wendy