On 8/24/2011 2:34 AM, Andy wrote:
> "Steve > wrote:
>> Andy wrote:
>>> OT: Is everbody OK: East coast 5.8 Earthquake?
>>> I felt it rumble for about five seconds.
>>> Jill?
>>> Andy
>> I didn't even notice it, neither did my wife.
>> -S-
> I didn't feel any of the aftershocks but lost a fair amount of sleep
> anyway. No damage to report, thankfully. Here in the Philadelphia burbs
> it was a rolling rather than a shaking earthquake effect.
> I hope the faults released all their pressure for many years to come!
> Near real-time earthquake info:
> http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsus/
> NOAA (weather data, images, video)
> http://www.noaa.gov/
According to the news, there have been five aftershocks but I have only
noticed one, at about 7 AM today. People are "finding" numerous cracks
that they attribute to the quake but the ones in the Washington Monument
and the pieces that fell off the National Cathedral seem real. Of
course, there are stories too that animals in the zoo behaved strangely
some minutes before the big one yesterday.
James Silverton, Potomac
I'm *not*