The 17th Annual Schaller Ribbon Report - Yeeeee-hah!!!
"Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "D.A. Tsenuf" > wrote:
>> I think you need to try some recipes for Borsht, hot and cold
>> Trust me, good Borsht does NOT taste like dirt.
>> Neither do properly pickled beets
>> I suspect that your beets are properly prepared and do NOT taste like
>> dirt.
>> Otherwise why the ribbon..
> I've had borscht. Ick.
> I'll take your word for the speculation on what my pickled boiled dirt
> chunks must taste like.
Obviously someone is suffering from a mild (cough, cough) case of prejudice
towards beets.
I hear that UM Crookston has a special program to help the poor souls
suffering from "Beet Aversion"
Naturally the program is named BAT for Beet Aversion Therapy...