Posted to alt.usage.english,
the sweetness of scones
On 26/08/11 6:47 PM, Leslie Danks wrote:
> John Holmes wrote:
>> Richard Bollard wrote:
>>> On Thu, 25 Aug 2011 10:51:56 +0800, Robert Bannister
>>> > wrote:
>>>> On 24/08/11 7:16 PM, CT wrote:
>>>>> Jonathan de Boyne Pollard wrote:
>>>>>> That's what you get for calling them "biscuits". If you called
>>>>>> them "scones" like the South Africans, you'd be able to put
>>>>>> raisins, blackberries, blackcurrants, cranberries, or even spinach
>>>>>> in them.
> at-a-Farmer%27s-Market-692552.html
> Scones-383889.html
> scones-443243.html
>>>>> Oooh, I've never tried putting spinach in them! I must try that...
>>>> Add a bit of cheese too.
>>> Fetta cheese goes well.
>> Yes, or pumpkin and sundried tomato.
> Is sundried tomato a sub-set of all tomato?
You take all and sundry and subtract the tomato.
Robert Bannister