Priming Cider
"Stephen" > wrote in message news:<O9isb.176538$Fm2.157338@attbi_s04>...
> When do I know when to prime and bottle it? I talked with a local supplier
> and he just said once the yeast is done you need to add another type of
> yeast and the sugar or bottle it before the yeast is done. If I bottle it
> before the yeast is done and add the 3/4 to 1 cup sugar will I be making
> time bombs??
> Steve
One or the other, not both.
Better way (IMHO) is wait for the yeast to finish then add priming
sugar and bottle. When your hydrometer readings stay the same over a
week or so, the yeast are probably finished enough so it won't cause
problems to prime and bottle. Just make sure the SG isn't too high
which may indicate a stuck fermentation. There should be enough yeast
left in the cider to ferment out the priming sugar.