How can we prove there is a God
On Aug 28, 4:02*pm, Tommy Joe > wrote:
> On Aug 28, 2:49*pm, projectile vomit chick
> > wrote:
> > hi,Excuse me, suck a fart out of my asshole you ****ing ay-rab
> > ****wad.
> * *Hey bitch, I happen to be half arab myself, doesn't mean we're all
> religious fanatics. *We've got our fair share of them in this country
> as well. *But, as to the question, "How can we prove there is a God?",
> I have the answer.
> * * The way we can prove there is a God is to gang up on him and beat
> him to death and then drag his godly corpse through the streets for
> all to see. *It won't be easy, it'll take a mighty effort. *But if we
> all get together we can take him down as one. *We can drag him through
> the streets or hang him from a pole. *Or we could encase him in bullet-
> proof glass and put him in a museum, allowing everyone to see him at
> no charge - then slowly after many years, so slowly that no one
> notices, we can begin to charge admission and never have to work
> another day in our lives.
> We can do it my brothers,
> TJ
the vomit chick hasn't gotten laid in quite some time...hence the