Korean cooking question
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Tony Lew
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Korean cooking question
oads (BillKirch) wrote in message >...
> >I have a Korean cookbook that calls for Denjang paste in soups and stews.
> >The glossary describes it as "Fermented soybean paste..
> >say
> >what the difference is?
> >Thanks.
> ##############
> It's a red paste that you can buy in a korean grocery store or online. I use it
> to mix with korean pork and several other dishes. It is spicy.
That's Kochujang. Denjang is brownish colored and isn't spicy at all.
It tastes like miso, but has a somewhat more pungent fermented flavor.
>Being a white
> guy everytime I go to a Korean store to buy groceries they ask me if I'm
> married to a Korean girl. I'm not. pretty funny. BG
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