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ImStillMags ImStillMags is offline
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Default Isn't a smoothie maker a blender by another name?

On Aug 30, 7:26*am, zxcvbob > wrote:

I found with my Vita-Mix that I don't need to use the tamper. When I
first got the Vita-Mix and started making green smoothies I needed the
tamper. Then I figured out how to layer what goes in the Vita-Mix so
I don't need it. Here's what I do:

Bottom(first) layer: a pear cut into eighths.
Second Layer: couple big fistfulls of fresh spinach mashed down
Third Layer: 5 or 6 large leaves of curly kale torn into pieces and
mashed down
Fourth layer: a large apple cut into eights.

The blender jar should be full now...really full, packed full.

Pour in water ...about a quart, till it comes within about 1 1/2 to 2
inches of the top of the jar.

Put on the lid and start the blender on low for about 5 or 6 seconds
while it starts grinding the bottom layer
then flip to high and it does it's thing and completely liquifies the
smoothie. Let it blend for about a minute
to make sure it is completely done.

I don't add ice. I pour the smoothie into three rubbermaid bottles
to store in the fridge for three