How can we prove there is a God
On Aug 29, 9:36*pm, Elmo > wrote: To Tommy Joe
in reference to Vomit Chick's name........
> You actually believe that is a "chick"?
> My, you are gullible.
I don't care what they are for real. I'm a nice guy, so I call
them what they want to be called. Take a drag queen for example.
They prefer to be referred to as her, not him - so, as a nice guy that
is what I do. But now to be totally honest (is there any other way?),
I have no idea what the gender of Vomit Chick is. I kind of prefer to
think Vomit is a female though, because it's about time a female came
along and used the name Vomit since in all the years I've been driving
a cab I have had by far more chicks than dudes vomit in the back. And
they never give warning. They might reveal it accidentally and the
driver might even suggest pulling over so the puke can be deposited on
the steet. But the response is almost alwasy, "No really, it's ok,
just drive", followed at any amount of time by the very identifiable
sound of puke exiting the mouth and landing with some degree of force
on the back seat and on the floor, most of which are carpeted these
days, not rubber like the old Checker Cabs, and very difficult to
clean out, usually requiring a stop at a car wash and multiple
washings and vacuumings to get out as much puke as possible, with the
stench always lingering for hours or even into the next day or beyond.
Guy, Gal, Dude, Chick, what the hell's the diff? -
When the puke starts to shoot, they don't look so cute