Originally Posted by George Leppla
Haven't seen any posts from Sheldon since Hurricane Irene blew through
his part of NY.
I did a quick search for his local newspaper and it looks like 53,000
people in that area are till without power and may not get it until Sunday.
The Daily Mail > Archives > News > Long wait for power
I know that area well and it is very rural, so 53,000 people cover a lot
of square miles and thousands of miles of power lines.
Yeah... he can be a PITA, but the newsgroup isn't the same without him.
George L
Prolly havin' a funeral for a cat. Or, lovin' one. PETA doesn't involve bestiality, right?
Dude eats meat. Nothing ethical about that process. Maybe not the same; I do miss him pretending to be an expert regarding things about which he's totally ignorant. Chinese mustard was my favorite one. Talk totally opposite of his purveryor. Meemoriiiiies. Come back, our little Navy bean.