Thread: Tomato heaven?
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Lou decruss Lou decruss is offline
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Default Tomato heaven?

On Fri, 02 Sep 2011 22:28:20 -0500, zxcvbob >

>projectile vomit chick wrote:
>> On Aug 31, 3:49 pm, A Moose in Love >
>> wrote:
>>> I had lunch today at a friends place. Nothing fancy. Processed
>>> cheese slices with tomato on a light rye. Grilled a little bit in a
>>> pan using no fat. Also fried cauliflower. That was it. However, I
>>> haven't tasted such a tomato ever I think. I'm used to the store
>>> bought stuff. Kind of I don't know, kind of blah. However his tomato
>>> I had today was packed full of flavour. My friend got the tomatoes
>>> from her neighbours garden. These toms must have been some kind of
>>> heirloom tomato. I never thought I'd be praising the tomato, but
>>> there it is. We don't get many heirloom tomatoes here in the
>>> markets. I've only seen them once in the supermarket, and they were
>>> expensive. I believe $3.99. But if they taste anything like my
>>> friends toms, they might just be worth it.

>> Home grown tomatoes are unbeatable. I don't know what the hell
>> "heirloom" tomatoes are, I just grow and eat the damn things.

>Heirloom is just yuppiespeak for open pollinated varieties. More
>specifically it /might/ mean open pollinated home garden varieties, as
>opposed to OP canning tomatoes.
>This year I grew seeds that I saved last year from Better Boy hybrids.

What's the best way to save the seeds?

