Thread: Hummus
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Hackmatack Hackmatack is offline
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Posts: 161
Default Hummus

Dave Smith > wrote:
> On 03/09/2011 3:53 PM, Hackmatack wrote:
>> Double the garlic and lemon juice! Maybe a smidgen of cumin.
>> Once, out of tahini, I used a little toasted Asian sesame oil. That was
>> surprisingly good, although it no doubt brought down the wrath of the
>> hummus gods.

> Ah yes... the tahini. That`s one of the reasons I didn`t make it. I kept
> forgetting to get that, and my wife has been doing most of the shopping
> lately. I went out the other day specificially to get tahini and found
> it at the Bulk Barn. On the way home I stopped at a discount grocery
> store for the chick peas and lo and beyond, they had tahini. They
> actually had three different brands of it. That surprised me because
> they rarely have specialty items.

One of the first commercially available hummus brands in our area (this was
years ago) caused a mini-scandal when it was discovered their recipes used
no tahini at all. The lame excuse was that the American palate was not yet
ready for the sophisticated taste of tahini, etc., etc. A jumbo load of
rubbish. They redeemed themselves soon afterwards.

Finding tahini in the market can be the challenge: in with the peanut and
other butters? In the organic section only? In the "Mediteranean foods"
section? In different markets I've found it in the Oriental aisle, the
Mexican aisle, and in with the jams and jellies. Sheesh.