Oldest and still edible item in your fridge?
Lucille wrote:
> On Aug 31, 2:15 pm, Kalmia > wrote:
>> I'll start: I've had a bottle of chili pepper wine on the bottom door
>> shelf since........oh,' bout 2003. It is impossible to drink and I
>> keep forgetting to drop a bit into my hot dishes. I hate giving it
>> fridge space, but can't bring myself to pour into the drain. It might
>> eat my pipes. : ))
> Well I just finished cleaning and throwing everything out of the
> freezer
> and fridge. Darn! I lost lots of food from that hurricane Irene.
> now I'll have to start all over again. I got my power back on
> yesterday.
> Lucille
Sorry to hear that, Lucille.
Jean B.