Oldest and still edible item in your fridge?
frig real estate is too precious to have anything you don't want in there,
"Kalmia" > wrote in message
On Aug 31, 4:51 pm, A Moose in Love >
> On Aug 31, 2:15 pm, Kalmia > wrote:
> > I'll start: I've had a bottle of chili pepper wine on the bottom door
> > shelf since........oh,' bout 2003. It is impossible to drink and I
> > keep forgetting to drop a bit into my hot dishes. I hate giving it
> > fridge space, but can't bring myself to pour into the drain. It might
> > eat my pipes. : ))
> I've got salad dressing, not as old as your stuff, but about 3 years
> old. Bottled Caesar, and bottled 3 cheese ranch. I don't want to use
> them because they are so old, and I don't want to throw them out. So
> they just sit there. I started making my own vinagrettes, so didn't
> use them.
So why not toss the contents, recyck the bottles and gain the space?
What's holding you up? Think of all that nice freedom from having to
root around amongst those bottles -- unless you've got em shoved way
in the back. Hey - that's another thread.