Where is Sheldoon?
On 9/3/2011 10:51 PM, Bryan wrote:
> Maybe, but perhaps you'd have to also be hostile toward Italian and Irish Americans, AND you'd have to be able to afford a nice plot of land, because that commands respect.
Owning s piece of land doesn't command any respect.... just takes money.
But I do have respect for people who take care of the land and the
critters that live on it.
The way I see it, people's personalities are made up of a few
components: Good, bullshit and evil. The "good" part is the largest,
the "evil" part is the smallest. "Bullshit" is the variable that makes
the biggest difference in how others perceive us. Too much bullshit
doesn't necessarily make a person evil.... but it sure can obscure the good.
I think Sheldon is probably a pretty good person, but that often gets
obscured because his bullshit quotient is so high.
And that is my Sunday Morning Pop Psychology lesson for this week.
George L