On Sat, 3 Sep 2011 20:06:49 +0100, Ophelia wrote:
> "Jim Elbrecht" > wrote in message
> news
>> Down towards the end of that thread they mention freezing it to reduce
>> the water- thus raising acidity. [that works to make some kick-ass
>> hard cider] The link is dead but it refers to a book ; "The
>> household Cyclopedia of General Information" - it appears to have been
>> published in 1881- which makes the suggestion of freezing something
>> curious-- it wouldn't have been a method as readily available to most
>> folks as it is now.
> Perhaps not readily but ice houses were in use from early 17C certainly UK
> and in US if I am not mistaken.
an ice house can kepp something cold but i don't think you'll be able to
freeze something in one.
your pal,