On Sun, 4 Sep 2011 07:00:31 -0700 (PDT), Lucille
> wrote:
>On Sep 4, 8:44*am, Jim Elbrecht > wrote:
>> On Sat, 03 Sep 2011 22:37:40 -0700, Serene Vannoy
>> > wrote:
>> >Go ahead and mock me for how messy the freezer is. I'm just happy all
>> >the stuff fit in there!
>> >http://www.flickr.com/photos/serenej...n/photostream/
>> >Serene
>> you won't be seeing any pictures of my freezer [or refrigerator] --
>> but trust me-- That looks like BH&G compared to mine.
>> Jim
>My fridge and freezer is empty. I had to throw everything out
>of hurricane Irene.
If you didn't open it nothing should have spoiled in so short a
time... I suggest you replace the door gaskets... you'll save more
each year on your electric bill than the price of a new fridge. After
four days my fridge section wasn't very cold but nothing spoiled, not
even dairy, the half gallon of milk was fine. Everything in my
freezer was still pretty much solid, even ice cubes... a package of
saw-seege was just beginning to get soft so I cooked and ate those,
I'm still here no worse for wear. Frozen food inside a closed freezer
shouldn't have defrosted in four days let alone spoil. Naturally if
an airhead keeps opening the fridge to check if the light comes on...
I didn't open my fridge, I have a second fridge in my basement, didn't
open that one either and so happens it had no perishables in it...
deer bread n' carrots were fine... mostly I use it to keep
canned/bottled staples chilled. I usually have that freezer filled
with veggies from my garden but this wasn't a very good year for extra
crops, that freezer contained some baked goods and containers of
stoup. I had a bowl of left over rice n'beans in the fridge, probably
would have been fine but I gave it to the critters. If the food in
your fridge/freezer spoiled in just a few days then your fridge is not
working properly... just because the power goes out doesn't mean the
food in the freezer is defrosted ten minutes later. Probably the
first thing in a freezer to thaw is ice cream, but should still be
hard after 2-3 days, and even after 5 days still won't be spoiled,
just melted... refreeze it, still good for baking or making smoothies.
Always store ice cream in a plastic bag, keeps it from absorbing odors
and prevents a huge mess in case it melts... my ex was an airhead,
she'd scoop herself a bowl of icecream and then put the container
back, in the fridge. duh Very few items folks keep in their
fridge/freezer will spoil so quickly or at all; eggs, cheese, butter
will be fine at room temperature for several days, some folks never
refrigerate those. Condiments don't really need refrigeration, nor do
beverages... soda and beer do just fine without refrigeration. Another
good precaution when the power goes out is to unplug computers, TVs,
and other costly electronics so they don't get slammed at once when
the power comes back. Lucille, I have great difficulty believing all
your food spoiled.