Chilii peppers - Fresno, Anaheim, Jalepeno
I have begun harvesting peppers to use and put away. This is the
first year that I grew Fresno Chili. I knew they were hotter by the
result I got when putting one in a biscuit side dish. Holey Moley!
Just cutting the cap off the first one had me coughing. Luckily I
wore rubber gloves. I chopped 15 of them in the Kitchenaid food
processor. I like this food processor. It really chops or dices
veggies without turning them into mush. Chopping them this way was a
lot easier than doing by hand. I've got them on a cookie sheet in the
freezer right now and will bag them as soon as they are frozen. It's
the same treatment that I give Jalepeno and bell peppers. I've got
probably another 3 dozen Fresno peppers coming on the 2 plants.
I have 2 to 3 dozen peppers on each Mammoth Jalepeno plant but they
aren't quite ready yet. I will wait until they pick up a bit of
The Anaheims are disappointing this year. Maybe 6 on each plant. All
of these plants are in pots on the deck. The peppers I planted in the
main garden are not much bigger than when I planted them -- but each
sports one enormous Anaheim chili. Good Job! Well done! (Gotta give
positive reinforcement) I will roast the Anaheim peppers, steam and
peel/seed them. If I don't use them right away, I will lay 4 of them
down on a piece of plastic wrap and roll it up like a cigar. I find
this shape works best for freezing without deterioration.
I'll have to be careful how I use the Fresno chili in cooked food, it
would be easy to make something inedible.
Janet US